Nicer would that have looked on a leafs home Jersey

First of all, I'm a Vancouver Islander so I'm pretty pumped about the WHL coming to Victoria. The logo's pretty lame. I like the name (in fact, I voted for Royals) because it suit Victoria very well and it's unique in that there's so few Vancouver Canucks Team Jerseys with the name. I also felt like the name had a lot of potential for a unique colour set and logo. Obviously, they kind of dropped the ball on the unique front. I'm able to over look the NHL Jerseys since it seems to just be a place-holder but blue, silver, and black? Come on! I was hopping for something a little more original like purple and gold. With LA going back to black and silver, the Royals would be the only team with this colour scheme. Actually, I think they'd be the only team with purple, period. In the leagues I follow, anyway. I'm disappointed by the colours but the logo's almost as bad. It's so busy. Drop the wordmark and the maple leaf and it would be a okay logo. We're part of the CANADIAN Hockey League and your team's called the Royals - I'm guessing your from Canada! There's already too many teams with maple leafs on them. Some originality please! And I'm not a fan of wordmarks on logos but I'm really not a fan of wordmarks that are boring. Like someone else said, if you need a wordmark, at least make it a little more heraldic looking. Simplifying this logo would go a long way but, at the same time, might make it look more like the Royal Bank logo. Again with the unoriginal! I don't think the logo's bad. I agree with most of the people above me that I'd like it better without the wordmark on the front and I would've liked to have seen a unique jersey design, though the white version will have to be unique, will it not? Unless they pick another jersey from a different, non-matching set. The Maple Leaf tattoo on the lion's shoulder would be better if it wasn't on there...or if the MLB Jerseys reflected it (red maple leaf shoulder patch with Kansas City Royals-like "Royals" script across it maybe?). It's not bad at all, but it's not great either. It looks like if they had an extra month it would be great, but I guess deadlines are deadlines.

Par nhl-jerseys le vendredi 01 juillet 2011


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