The NHL needs to abandon the mindset that one team needs to wear white in every game - this is no longer necessary. We're living in an 3D HD world and this rule is living in a world where anyone that has a TV has a black and white one. What is wrong with a Wings/Sharks game where the Sharks are in their black thirds and the Wings in their red NHL Jerseys? The Flyers in their orange jerseys versus the Rangers in their blues? The system seems to work pretty well in soccer. Nominate a home jersey before the season, and all teams traveling to your building simply have to bring a jersey that does not clash with the home side's. What's more, this would help force teams to use 3rd jerseys for what they're actually supposed to be used for - to test new, inventive designs, not for the way they've been used in the last few years, as a way to stick some retro jersey in to appease overly-nostalgic fans. If your team's retro jersey is better than their normal jerseys, then go back to wearing the retro ones, and use the third Wholesale Jerseys for something new. Chris, you do fantastic work covering these things. I am so grateful to have a sweet site like this to check out the awesome jersey news. The Canucks Team Jerseys that were unveiled were fantastic, save for the Kings one. I don't like the black one they have and dislike the white one even more. The Panthers is amazing. What a great colour scheme. I love how it really 'pops'. The Oilers jersey looks great too, glad to see they will get rid of those terrible pajama jerseys they had. I really really like the new Nashville digs. The post with the 'supposed' jerseys got me really interested. I really liked their old ones, but am really loving these new ones. I can't wait to see the newMLB Jerseys. Mark Chipman has said that they are going to have a whole new colour scheme and logo. I have a great feeling about it and that people will be very happy with it, even though it wont be the original. Who knows, maybe what he is saying is a red herring, kind of like what happened with the name. They may fold to the public outcry again. Either way, I expect to be happy with what they come out with!
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