Best looking jersey in all the NHL

Ditch the damn piping! Can Reebok stop using templates to come up with an orginial design? The basic design is so over used in this league. I much prefer the what-would-have-been sweaters that the Nashville marketing guru decided wasn't up to snuff. Sure the blue has been redundant recently,and they wanted to go with something outside the box. I can get that, but why not then just swap out the blue & black for yellow & blue? Atleast that sweater design looks more traditional compare to this new design. Look at all the iconic sweaters in the MLB Jerseys, the Bruins, Blackhawks, Redwings, Rangers, Canadiens, Flames, and Flyers all have one thing in common. None of them tell you where they are from. Come on if you need to let people know what city you are from then your logo sucks. Not a huge fan of the yellow, I feel like the Tampa Bay Lightning Team Jerseys would be perfect if the blue and yellow were swapped on the home jerseys. Yellow as a primary color can be really dangerous but that said the Bruins did a great job on their winter classic, and it is nice to see the pallet of the hockey world expand a little bit. For the love of god no more piping!!!!! I dont like the colour scheme but it would be a lot better if they got rid of that awful piping and those St Louis Blues characteristics. meh, I guess it's better than the old Wholesale Jerseys with the silver but they could be so much better. I would take the current third and the "special casino" white jersey over these any day of the week. Just awful. There is a reason no has a yellow jersey let alone abright yellow strip in their logo. If you want a yellow 3rd fine with me. But the black and blues from last yer are amazing. If you want to "stand out" from other teams just win!!!! I have gone to many away games wearing the black and blue and have gotten nothing but complements on them. They were the best looking jersey in all the NHL. Now you give us this "GIMMICKY" Nashville jersey with guitar strings, guitar picks, & piano keys....What a complete joke. And how dare you change the logo. No classy, traditional team changes their logo and if they do it's a small change. I hope and pray no one buys this awful jersey or anything with this awful logo. i want management to see the mistake they made with theNHL Jerseys and snot nosed Gnash logo. EPIC FAIL by the PREDS!!!!

Par nhl-jerseys le dimanche 03 juillet 2011


#1 Par ~Cheap NFL Jerseys le 05.07.2011 à 09:33 top
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