Like The Ducks 3rd Jersey

I am actually a fan of the "Webbed- D" logo myself since it's pretty clever and I like that it's not a word mark here, so it's got that going for it. I also like the new shoulder patch paying homage to the Mighty Ducks too. The things that are really troubling though are the terrible stripes going along the sides of the NHL Jerseys... Just FAR to busy. I am also not feeling the shoulder lining either since it looks out of place. All in all, they are along the right tracks here, but still pretty far off in my honest opinion. If they lose a LITTLE bit of the orange, get rid of the shoulder lining and fix the horrid stripes up the side of the shirt, then they could have a real winner here. That can't be good for their Reebok account. However, it is good news for us jersey geeks as Icethetics can now provide a visual sample of what you've read about for weeks. By the way, Greg Wyshynski at Puck Daddy was actually first with this story. Check out his take on the new threads. Despite it coming from a third party, this is official Reebok photography (right). We should all be very familiar with it. So at least for me there is no question whether this is the Ducks' actual jersey. It makes sense that Reebok has provided images to retailers ahead of the November launch of the new sweater — though retailers were probably asked to keep it under their hats until then. Oops. But one image wasn't enough. FansEdge kept going. Here's a look at the back of the jersey (left). Since it's not customized, we can't be sure about the number and lettering style. We could assume it will be the same as the home and road sweaters but you never know. According to the Ducks, the MLB Jerseys will make its official on-ice debut on Nov. 26 when they host the Chicago Blackhawks (on Black Friday, of course). As far as the design, I'm not crazy about the striping up and down the sides. Of course these shots don't provide the best view. We'll have to wait to see it in action next month. The upshot is the "D" logo on the chest. Been waiting for that since 2006, when the current home and road sweaters were unveiled. Plus, as you can see on the shoulders, the original Mighty Ducks Team Jerseys logo returns in the new color scheme, as I mentioned previously.

Par nhl-jerseys le dimanche 03 juillet 2011


#1 Par ~Cheap NFL Jerseys le 05.07.2011 à 09:33 top
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