Generate more interest in the old red sweaters?

Throwback night for a franchise this young that hasn't won anything or even really had what could be remotely be called a "classic" MLB Jerseys? C'mon! This is about as blatently obvious and lazy marketing / cash grab as they could get! Could they not find a vendor to supply them with $1 hot dogs and $2 beer? I think that's the only way you'll draw anybody into that rink other than the core 36 family and friends who come to watch their NHL relatives. Sorry guys but this is exactly what irks me about jersey promotions and the business of hockey in non-traditional markets. EL, for my part I think you're missing the point. Teams aren't limited to throwback uniforms only on arbitrarily chosen anniversaries such as 25 or even 40. Heck, the Rangers are celebrating 85 just because they can. So the idea that the Panthers could sport a retro Wholesale Jerseysdespite only being 17 years old, nevermind how silly we might find it, is really not out of the question. Could it be they're testing the market to see if fans really want red back? Could it be as simple as a cash grab, a way to generate more interest in the old red sweaters? And I'm not sure why you think "we" would've heard something by now. Or who "we" is. Some teams are good at keeping stuff under wraps — such as the Blue Jackets this summer. We'll find out when we find out and maybe they won't do redWashington Nationals Team Jerseys, but I just think your reasoning is flawed. Oh please please PLEASE let them wear the red jerseys for these games. Honestly, if they're going to make the blue third NHL Jerseys the primary home sweaters they should bring back a modified version of the original red as a 3rd. I've been advocating calling back to the early history of the team since '08.

Par nhl-jerseys le lundi 04 juillet 2011


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