Fairy Lake mysterious and quiet

Grandpa sea, altitude 3590 meters of it is the Mainland of China'shighest alpine lake, but it is full of mystery and a quiet Fairy Lake. 
It is the depth of a mystery, freezing cold and variable climate of Taibaishanuncle Antarctic sea diving as difficult as the Arctic. Over the years manypeople have sounded this "Fairy Lake," the depth, but to no avail,and some even paid with their lives. 
Its formation was a mystery, because no one has ever been detected uncletectonic sea bottom, so its formation is a mystery. Generally believedthat the sea is an uncle six or seven million years ago, developed in theQuaternary Ice Age glacial lakes. 
It NHL Jerseys is a mystery, expertshad been investigated sea uncle did not find any fish in the lake animalssurvive. However, in legend, the lake there is a sea bird uncle would lakeleaves and other debris on the title of a small walk, known as "waterboy", but in fact the top of this stream of white birds do robins,specifically predation in the lake this "shrimp" for aliving. 
In order to find and feel that this is a mystery, I wore NfLJerseys into the sea uncle, walked into the mysterious and quietFairy Lake. If the top looks down in the Qinling Mountains is a feeling ofshock, from the nature of a shock, a shock for the peaks of mountains. 

So, when I went through before the rest pine trees, looking under rockssingular experience, experienced the fragrance of flowers beside the finalstand, "South China sub-pillar" before, I feel a pride, a kindsof long-term perspective of their own pride, a pride of the motherland beautifulmountains and rivers. 

But this is not my trip to the end of Taibaishan, although distant peaks of upsand downs no end in sight, although the road since the foot can no longer beknown as the Hill, although the next trip I can only rely on experience andintuition in the previous have gone through the rubble pile to find thedirection of travel, but still decided to continue forward, and go looking forthe highest point in the Qinling Mountains - Stubbs Sendai, to find that thecountry's highest glacial lakes - Grandpa sea. 

Grandpa may have friends have been the sea, maybe you will not believe that Ican in a day for as long uncle out of the sea on foot, pulling up and downSendai, but in that day, I really did. On that day, I was the first to buyCheap NHL Jerseys, also the last onecoming out of the visitors. But, really tired, run for a ten thousandmeters a day, I have to mention it, really tired. 
But my uncle about the sea trip, I would like to introduce a girl. Becausein that day Taebaek mountains, I was a little on the less than I year-old girlimpressed. 

She has a very famous name - Guo Xiang, a third year girl from ShandongZibo. For most girls that age alone is an unheard-of travel, the choice ofclimbing on foot more can be said of the alternative. 
True character may be a bit "small Click here to see" the stubbornand courageous, but also in the majority of peers would choose to read computeror when shopping, Guo Xiang even one person to travel from Shaanxi Shandongwent, although I surprised her parents permission, but I admire thecourage of this girl. Hole saw the famous Terracotta Army, through theQianling Famen, Guo Xiang uncle even been to the sea because of a hiking tourto determine a person's words to Bai Shan, decided to see a legend of the MLB Jerseys
I was in the "sub-pillar south and north China," Guo Xiangencountered before, and she was up the mountain the day before. Difficultto see the road, even before I do not know Where is the way it should be said,she hopes to find a buy Cheap Jerseys
Generous invitation, it is natural to introduce and exchange of experience isvery brave, very stubborn personality, I really appreciate this very generousin Shandong girl.Although I did not want her own pictures with the character Idid not leave a picture of her, although we do not have further contact after,but I still hope to friends about the girl that I admire, and I wish internationalpolitical bent, she read the college entrance examination this year can besuccessful.

Par nhl-jerseys le dimanche 24 avril 2011


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