The problem that I'm seeing here is that, like Chris has alluded to, is that some people are simply too lazy to be this creative themselves. However, as also previously alluded to, the "offending" logo is also infringing on Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys design, which means that if they're forced to change the logo, it won't be on the grounds of the person who posted it on this site, but because the Chicago Blackhawks raise a stink. Now, I'm under the impression that the original creator of the Eagle logo isn't getting anything monetarily from this, which is fine, but this is why I'm not very fond of some of the re-concepting that goes on here. Simply put, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Let the teams determine that for themselves. The point here is that Mr. Smith the "designer" of the Fighting Falcons logo ripped off Mike Ivall. Mike's concept was never meant to be for public consumption as a logo of any hockey team. It was created as a concept art for this site. Therefore, there has been no infringement on his part, as it was just a concept. However, if Port Huron is going to use it, then they should either credit Mike or better yet, pay Mike to design a new logo for hockey jerseys. If you are going to say that all concept art is copyright infringement, the the concept portion of this site, and other sites like it should just be shuttered away, and banned forever. And if Mike's (and therefore the ripoff's) logo is not for use under the Blackhawks property as you claim, then why wouldn't the Blackhawks go after the Port Huron Fighting Falcons in that case? After all, under your ruling, it is the Blackhawks' intellectual property. Either way, Port Huron is in a little bit of a bind because of their hired designers. The concept of owning an idea is ridiculous. Reserving a distinctive image as a distinguishing feature to indicate the producer or provider of a product or service makes sense to me, but copyright and patents have no legitimate place in modern society. The creator of the Fighting Falcons logo for MLB jerseys may have used the Blackhawks logo and Mike's logo as inspiration, but there should be no law to prevent the use of the logo. That being said, the laws do exist. And Mike has every right to take legal action here. There is a good chance that he will win. But our society has to carry the dead wait of such rent seeking behavior regardless of the outcome. When will this madness stop? Theives and crooks are out there. Don't like it, but ya gotta accept it. There was a team in a the "high minors" that stole something of mine about 10 years ago. Luckily, I had mailed a copy of the art to myself via certified mail, so I had proof of the date of creation. Is it fool proof? But knowing I had this, the attorney for the team "suggested" they either pay me or move on to another logo. Sometimes the good guys win. I hope everyone here not only keeps up the amazing work to sell jerseys that you post here and on Puckdrawn, but that you protect yourselves from the cretins who obviously troll around this site.
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