Jeudi 30 juin 2011

My city is also a victim of relocation

Canadians are allowed to have stereotypes of you folks too. I was proven wrong the first time I visited 'sunny' San Fran ; On the topic of stereotypes, I actually don't think most Canadians are happy to see the Thrashers leave. This Canadian would love for Georgians to have a team to cheer for. I do want Winnipeg to have a team, but not at someone else's expense. You can't blame the Winnipeg fans for being excited though. What I can't figure out is why the NHL Jerseys has bent over backwards to keep the Jets - er, Coyotes - in Phoenix, but Atlanta doesn't get that kind of help. I can tell how the Atlanta fans would be feeling because my city is also a victim of relocation, but on a much smaller scale. In Saint John New Brunswick, we had the Saint John Flames of the AHL. In 2001 they won the Calder cup and not more than two seasons later they moved to Omaha, then to Illinios, then to Abbotsford. It hurt to have our team ripped away from us but the reason for the move was obvious. We didn`t have the space in our arena, on a sold out night for our Junior team the Sea Dogs, the arena only holds about 6000 people, and thats after we expanded our seating. Although now the pain has gone becuase of our now beloved Sea Dogs I still can`t help buw wonder if the fan support might have grown over the past few years. Just this past season, we had a Flames night in which the arena was sold out to watch the Sea Dogs play in Flames uniforms. The attendance that there was compared to what i`ve read in comparision to many Hamilton Bulldogs games is almost double. So I feel for the Atlanta fans but I am also pumped to see another Canadian team. Not because I think we deserve it more, but because I want to see new rivalries in the league (Maybe my Canucks will finally have a rival that they don`t have to share with another team), and of course new NFL Jerseys. I think that if the Thrasher do move, and Betteman expands the league, one of the first places he should consider to expand to should be Atlanta. Of couse if you had an expansion that would mean that they would mean they would need more AHL teams, and I know a city that woudl welcome them with open arms. Sorry for the lack of paragraphing and possible lack of grammar. Atlanta really got the short end of the stick. Poor ownership. Which led to bad management, player instability, and ugly uniforms with too many colours.On the topic of Winnipeg, the Jets name should be brought back without question. Besides the Cleveland Browns, the NBA SuperSonics name, colours, and history will remain in Seattle, should the Wholesale Jerseysreturn to that city. Major League Soccer did it as well with the San Jose Earthquakes when the original franchise moved to Houston. I also don't like the idea of the Jets/Whomevers to be called Manitoba. Time to put the Winnipeg name back on the North American sports map. Afterall, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers do not play the likesWholesale Jerseys of the NY Giants or the Chicago Bears. However, Winnipeg and not Manitoba, would play New York and Chicago.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011
Mercredi 29 juin 2011

With proper ownership, the NHL can work in Atlanta

I'd personally like to apologize for the vocal minority of Winnipeg idiots who have been disrespectful to the fans of Atlanta, Phoenix or southern US MLBe Jerseys. I'd bet good money that most of these half-wits weren't old enough to remember what it was like to lose the Jets, hence their lack of sensitivity. Us Winnipeggers have been through so much to get a team back. Since Darren Ford started the Jetsowner campaign 8 years ago, we've been working toward this moment. During that time, most of us that believe the Jets could actually come home were called some pretty nasty names, especially by those in our own city. Those of us that have followed this campaign for 8 years are hardcore fans, but are also pretty level-headed. However, the recent bunch that have jumped aboard the bandwagon - are the same people that called us "dreamers" and that "the Jets would never come back." And my gut tells me, that these are the same folks that have taken to verbally assaulting fans of Atlanta. They're idiots, they're a minority, and again, I truly apologize for their behavior. My heart goes out to the NHL Jerseys of Atlanta. I've been through this, and it was awful. With proper ownership, the NHL can work in Atlanta. I really appreciate those Canadians posting on this forum with some heart. It beats any other forum where I have seen responses from a lot of less-than-considerate folks, not just in Canada Wholesale Jerseys, but from some traditional hockey markets in the States as well. I am Thrashers fan, and have been one from the start. As an anecdote, I believe I got the first puck ever to fly into the stands during an official game setting. It was the very first preseason game, and the Thrashers were playing a game against the then-new Predators in Columbus, GA, home of the SPHL Columbus Cottonmouths. The puck flew into the stands during the pregame warmups, and my friend snagged it. I believe it was shot by Kelly Buchberger, and it caromed off the crossbar up over the glass. My friend gave it to me years later. I still have my ticket from the first game ever against the Devils. And I have articles from that first season talking about the new team. I went to the big party at Centennial Olympic Park where they revealed the logo and jerseys (which, admittedly, have always been really bad). Despite the never-ending disappointment of watching the team lose year after year, watching owners that don't care about the team let talent go for nothing, watching their marketing just fail to understand what makes NFL Jerseys great...despite all these things, I have some really fond memories of the Thrashers and Thrashers fans, and always will. I want people to know one thing about the Thrashers, it's this: NBA Jerseys could have thrived in Atlanta. I believe it still can if a miracle happens. This is not the same city that lost the Flames. This is an international city that hosted the Summer Olympics. It's the 7th largest market in the country. It's full of people from other places, many of which are other hockey cities. I'm from L.A. and have friends from Minnesota, Chicago, New York, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and yes, a few locals. NHL Jerseys could have been great here. But this organization just failed. There is lots of blame to go around, but it just failed. Ineptitude. I am happy that Winnipeg is going to get their team back. I am sure they deserve it and will support the team. I just wish it wasn't at the expense of my team. I am angry that the NHL didn't fight for Atlanta like it did for Phoenix and Pittsburgh. But mostly, I'm am just very sad that unless I move from the city where I have lived for the majority of my life, I will likely never have the opportunity to root for the home NHL team again. Atlanta will never get another shot, at least not in my lifetime.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juin 2011

That not enough people cared about the team

Issues like these drive many Canadians crazy, because they feed into a perception, valid or not, that Canadians are treated like second-class fans of the game that dominates their hearts and minds. American media often treat the game like a joke, andMLB Jerseys is arguably not even a top-tier professional sport in the US, having long been supplanted by NASCAR in the pecking order. The argument of geography is often used, but is not a valid one because teams can be successful regardless of location as long as they win. The problem is that when they don't win, no one is buying merchandise, season-ticket sales dry up, and local TV contracts become a joke. I agree with Chris that too many Canadians have a sense of entitlement when it comes to Wholesale Jerseys. But Jesus, can you blame them sometimes? I am not happy that a city is likely going to lose a team, but that doesn't mean hockey-starved fans in Winnipeg should have to tone down their anticipation. At least they care! The games will be well-attended and the team will be able to compete in the new era. In 1995, 35,000 people showed up and rallied to keep the Jets in Winnipeg. In 2011, 200 people showed up and rallied to keep the Thrashers in Atlanta. It's not that the Canadian cities are more deserving than ANY American city for a NBA Jerseys, obviously they aren't. It's that this city in particular is more deserving than Atlanta and Phoenix, and probably more, sorry to say. When Winnipeg left, it was because they couldn't get an arena built. Not because there was no turn out. As for blaming the owners, ask any Leaf fan what they think of MLSE. There might be diehardNFLJerseys fans in Atlanta, but quite simply, there aren't enough. Same reason why the Expos moved to Washington. Grizzly's more to New Orleans. I feel really bad for the Thrashers fans that actually cared about the team. But, correct me if I'm wrong, hasn't Atlanta had attendance issues for quite a long time? That tells me that not enough people cared about the team in the first place. Being from Pittsburgh, I hate to see Atlanta fans go through this because it is the worst feeling in the world...Just the thought of not being able to go to a NHL Jerseys game makes me sick. But the NHL has made some stupid decisions when it comes to granting cities franchises. Maybe had the Thrashers had a winning team for longer than one season this wouldn't be happening, but lets be honest here...the NHL is a brand and that brand only succeeds when the people in a certian market embrace it. Tampa and Miami and Carolina have all had winning teams at some point and so its a bit different with them, but Atlanta didn't and so the brand never caught on. In Canada and anywhere in the Northern US the game catches on quicker since it snows and kids can actually go play without having to find a rink to skate at. Congrats to Winnipeg because they have patiently waited for a long time for the NHL but sorry for all of the Thrashers fans out there.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juin 2011
Mercredi 22 juin 2011

Fans are fickle, and loyalty is highest when a team is winning

One point to your comment "I still have no patience for any Canadian who innately thinks their geography makes them more deserving of MLB Jerseys." - Its natural, and the same can be said about many US baseball fans. Try being a Jays fan watching the team in the "American" league. Regarding the Thrashers - bottom line is that sports fans in Atlanta have the Hawks, Braves, Falcons and college teams that place ahead of a Thrasher team that has struggled. I feel for the true fans, but you could get 5-10,000 fans in Kansas City or Portland if you wanted to move a team there. I have no problem moving the team to a community that where hockey will be #1, like the Packers are to Green Bay, and if that is Winnipeg or another US market then so be it. You can't blame it all on the owners, if the owners were so bad and the community (including the business groups) wanted to keep the team in Atlanta, someone would have bought Wholesale Jerseys for now, they been for sale for years. Fans are fickle, and loyalty is highest when a team is winning. Here in Vancouver, people tend to brag about the string of sellouts the Canucks have, but they forget about the salad days of the mid to late 90's when Rogers (then GM) Place was looking pretty bare on some nights. Tampa Bay is never part of the discussion of weak NFL Jerseys franchises for one simple reason: the team, despite some ups and downs, has consistently been a winner after some growing pains and has its name on the cup. If Florida, Phoenix, and Atlanta achieved similar levels of success, I doubt the prognosis would be so bleak for those teams. But here's the other perspective: Winnipeg lost its team in a no cap era when the Canadian dollar was weakened. The NHL did nothing to stem the bleeding, and certainly never did anything as drastic as buy and operate the team until a suitable buyer and arena deal could be reached. Phoenix, however, gets endless chances, while people in stronger markets (like Vancouver) get to subsidize the weaker teams with equalization payments. Ticket prices in weaker markets or 'non-traditional' hockey markets are far cheaper due to lack of demand. Bettman keeps discussing eventual league expansion, and the names that come up are places like Las Vegas and Kansas City. The league bends over backwards to satisfy the demands of NBC, who can barely be bothered to broadcast games (one time pre-empting an NHL playoff game because of the Preakness). The NHL Jerseys schedule for years clearly favoured eastern based teams in terms of travel.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 22 juin 2011

Hockey night tonight

Hello out there, we're on the air, it's Hockey night tonight...perhaps in Manitoba. I am a transplanted Manitoban living in Southern Ontario, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to cheer for a team NHL Jerseys from my home town. I agree that where you're from does not make you more deserving of a team, as the city of Hamilton believes they deserve one, but don't support their Bulldogs... at all. This is a championship team, that averages less than 3000 people per game in a 16000 seat stadium. Whereas you have cities like Tampa, that love their Lightning, or San Jose and their Sharks. But, moving on from that point, the team, if it comes to Winnipeg, could be named the Jets, maybe even the Manitoba Jets, as long as they get the okay from Gary Bettman and the NHL. The Wholesale Jerseys owns the rights to the name Jets and the logo, not the Phoenix Coyotes. With this being said, the reason Cleveland did not have this issue, with the Browns, was because it was contingent on the NFL team leaving that the identity and logos, and history of the Browns would legally stay in Cleveland and owned by Cleveland if an NFL team were to return. This same plan was made for the Seattle Supersonics. However this is not the case for the Winnipeg Jets'. In fairness I would greatly support a name change to Manitoba Jets', or the Winnipeg Falcons. But I don't support the Moose as and NFL Jerseysentity. The last time a team in the NHL was promoted from a minor, the team failed and was absorbed into another (Cleveland Barons, Minnesota North Stars). As such the real question is would they choose the same colour scheme of Red, White and Blue? Or would they opt for the city colours of blue and gold? Time will tell. And if Atlanta keeps their squad, I hope their fans will appreciate the team more. Look at the Coyotes, their saga is not yet complete, maybe they might even move out of Glendale, and finally return to Phoenix. I agree with both Iain and Nathan, just b/c Canada invented the sport doesnt mean that a team belongs there more than in southern America. However as Nathan said u cant blame Winnipeg for being so happy and i highly doubt every1 of their fans are sayin hahaha sucks for Atlanta now you wont have a team, I just think theyre so caught up in the love and passion for their team that they haven't had time to feel for the NBA Jerseys. So i kinda disagree with you Chris i dnt think you should bash the jets fans as theyve been waiting 15 yrs for a team, i couldnt even imagine what that would be like living in philly. If a team was taken away from philly r fans would probly riot lol I wish there could be a way to keep both Atlanta and Winnipeg but like Nathan said its all about the money these days. The ones running the buis (like Bettman and owners of the teams) dont care 100% for those die hard fans (the ones who usually sit in the nosebleeds) and use the old excuse of the south isnt a place for hockey. Thats total bullshit if their are more than 10,000 fans in an arena their should be no reason for moving the team, Like many have said die-hards will take this seriously, im a die hard sports crazed fan and if any1 of my favorite teams Philly or non-philly were moved i'd be devastated. It's something you and your sports buddies look forward too every yr and are willing to shell out the cash to Purchase MLB Jerseysgo to their favorite teams sporting event. I digress, I have mixed feelings as well but I don't agree on the no love towards the Jets fans. (In a perfect world everyone would win, but money talks and unfortunately speaks louder than the hard working middle class or whatever class fans).

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 22 juin 2011

Please don't bash any fans in this


I am Canadian and I share the feeling that just because a city is in Canada it does not deserve a NHL Jerseys more than a southern US city. The factors that make a successful sports franchise (not just hockey) are many. Geography is certainly part of the equation I would think, but it is not the only factor. If that were the case then Winnipeg would still have a team. I feel terrible for the Thrashers fans who might get their team ripped away from them. I can't even imagine what that would be like considering I am a Canucks fan and the likelihood of that happening to me any time soon is negligible. But I was a Grizzlies fan when they were moved and it sucked (and my second favorite team was Seattle Supersonics). Luckily I wasn't as much of a NFL Jerseys fan as I am hockey so it didn't hurt too much. But I can understand how it feels on a lesser level. And it is not good. But you can't blame Winnipeg fans for being so excited though. They have been really thirsty for the Wholesale Jerseysfor a long time and they have supported the Moose quite well. I doubt they are celebrating Atlanta's loss. They just aren't thinking about that part of it and you have to put yourself in their shoes to understand it. So please don't bash any fans in this. It is an unfortunate part of the sport also being a business. It sucks, but it is our reality and the only way the fans can make an impact is by spending their money which for some of us (including me) is really hard to do when prices are so high. I dont understand why i keep being told that I dont 'deserve' MY hockey team. I have always supported and i have gone to plenty of games over the years. I went to 25 home games and 3 road games this past season. The problem is that alot of you folks havent followed the thrashers over the years, therefore you havent really heard of or seen the constant screwjobs, idiot business moves, lack of marketing, and just all around driving away of fans. We had plenty of fans the first 5 years or so but when ASG was in full force and started Suing eachother, yeah it got bad....REAL BAD! This was not the fans fault that this happened, and Winnipeg, i really feel for you and always have felt for you since the jets left. I have actually been right there with you for a number of years ,until my team was driven into this situation, wanting to bring back the jets because i know that you folks were heart broken, much like i am feeling right now, over losing them. We never really had a chance with this franchise. It is quite appearant if you have ever stayed here in ATL and been in Philips Arena a few times that the owners are much more invested in the Hawks than the Thrashers. I mean, how do you explain being below 26th out of 30 teams in cap all 8 years that you own it? MY answer: you don't care as an owner to sell MLB Jerseys!


Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 22 juin 2011
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