Samedi 02 juillet 2011

The Oilers full vintage look like

I love the Oilers full vintage look like the majority of jersey fans. Im just so glad the panthers have a red MLB Jerseys again without the stupid piping however i agree with you Chris the rbk edge cut off stripes have to go, whats the problem with stripes that go completely around the sleeves lol. Preds are so different i likem i kinda wish the primary logo woulda stayed somewhat the same but the guitar strings are sick and adds a nice touch to the city. Bolts, Im not a huge fan of em but theyre not horrible. i just cnt stand how much they resemble the leafs and like many of you i wish they woulda been the lighter blue they looked excellent on the cover of NHL12. I was so glad they added a black outline around the numbers/letters makes them stand out more and the bolts on the pants were a must! and look very good. I dont like anything about the kings, i think theyre horrible. they look like a skeleton Halloween outfit with those black stripes going down (lol i dnt know that just what I see) but the whole design is horrible and eliminating those very rich and vibrant purple NHL Jerseys was a huge mistake. Im a flyers fan and was about to buy a purple but not anymore. The Jets, I"m so happy theyre back and CAN'T wait to see their logos/colors/and the Vancouver Canucks Team Jerseys. I like that its red white and blue b/c thats been their colors and thts what theyve been known for. Im not a big fan of all the red and boaring colors in the NHL i wana see more green and purple myself (so glad the preds went with something diff,yellow), but saying you wana see diff colors on the jets would be like saying the flyers should change their colors to teal and purple or something, it just wouldnt look right lol. Anyway im happy how teams are going back to their roots and others are trying something different, i just hope the Stars green is somewhat oldschool and very nice. LOL! Sometimes I have to wonder if Icethetics has the largest following of people with weak constitutions. I can't believe how many times I've read that a mere Wholesale Jerseys color can cause someone to vomit uncontrollably or become overwhelmed by a debilitating headache. It's just incredible. Either that, or these people are full of it. Hmm, which is it?

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 02 juillet 2011
Vendredi 01 juillet 2011

A yellow Nash jersey

Black is always a color that is one of those kind of things that can one of two ways: it can look terrible or fantastic. That being said, the Islanders adding black is not as shocking as I would have originally thought- the Knicks and Mets rock those colors and they look decent. Nashville going gold as a home NHL Jerseys might be an interesting thing to see happen...but I just don't know how well that will look. I mean, it's good to see color, but I feel like with the proper redesign, there could be a good looking gold third. I'm just a stickler for wanting the home colors and road whites, but that'll be a wait and see. LA missed a huge opportunity to have a fairly decent set of unis. Granted, we all saw the white version of their current alt and I like the way it looks. But they should have kept the purple and gold jersey as their third. It's a solid look. Why are so many teams going go black? The LA alt jerseys are way too dark for my tastes. Even the gretzky era jerseys had more silver. The islanders in black would look stupid. Even San Jose using their black Tampa Bay Lightning Team Jerseys in the playoffs is dumb to me, your teal, you have a great color, embrace it! I wasn't a fan of the mustard jerseys, but I'm actually excited for a yellow Nash jersey, at least one team isn't afraid of some color. There's a pretty vocal group of Mets fans, though, who absolutely hate the use of black in the team's colors, and it's only been for just over a decade. (Probably most vocal against black as a Mets color would be Paul Lukas over at Uni Watch.) Personally, while I'm not a Mets fan, I do tend to prefer their more classic, non-black look over what they've been doing. Even their black hat would've been better if they'd kept the interlocked NY orange, outlined in blue, so that it actually stands out better compared to the blue-outlined-in-orange that they've been using. Then again, the Isles did give us those sea-sickness, Gorton's Fisherman-logo NHL Jerseys back in the nineties... they'd have to work pretty hard to make a worse jersey than those.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 01 juillet 2011

The isles will be doing something with a black third Jerseys

Anything new on the Oilers front? How awsome would it be if they gave the first overall pick the new road MLB Jerseys. As an Oilers fan it makes me smile thinking about a new (orange white and blue) jersey. Nashville in yellow full time is a good idea, it's about time yellow returns. I still think the Canucks need a yellow throwback alt. Nothing wrong with the current set, except the home and road look exactly the same. Black for the Kings works, for the Islanders, I'm not sure. They must be trying to look like the Mets or something. I have heard the isles will be doing something with a black third jersey, I do want to make a point that the NY Mets have the same colors as the Islanders plus black. They make it work and have made it work for years, maybe the Islanders will go with something that takes hints from a Mets jersey. Actually imagine this, take the Islanders road white jersey, now make white black. and take the Islanders original helmet decal from when they introduced the now home Boston Bruins Team Jerseys (Islanders in script) across the front with the Islanders crest on the shoulders. I can't imagine that looking terrible. A Preds yellowNHL Jerseys would be awesome. With so many teams in the NHL now trying to incorporate blue or black in their jerseys, it's good to have someone that is introducing a jersey with a primary color that hasn't been in the NHL for a while. I don't get the Kings motivation... why go with black and white when the throwback purple sweaters were so well received? The only I can think of is trying to bring back the Gretzky-era spirit to the team. Isles in black, I don't believe, but if it happens, then my thoughts are that it might have been a good thing to try if black weren't so ubiquitous right now. And Chris, it's great to get any type of info in what is normally a drought in that regard, even if it is just pure speculation.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 01 juillet 2011

Nicer would that have looked on a leafs home Jersey

First of all, I'm a Vancouver Islander so I'm pretty pumped about the WHL coming to Victoria. The logo's pretty lame. I like the name (in fact, I voted for Royals) because it suit Victoria very well and it's unique in that there's so few Vancouver Canucks Team Jerseys with the name. I also felt like the name had a lot of potential for a unique colour set and logo. Obviously, they kind of dropped the ball on the unique front. I'm able to over look the NHL Jerseys since it seems to just be a place-holder but blue, silver, and black? Come on! I was hopping for something a little more original like purple and gold. With LA going back to black and silver, the Royals would be the only team with this colour scheme. Actually, I think they'd be the only team with purple, period. In the leagues I follow, anyway. I'm disappointed by the colours but the logo's almost as bad. It's so busy. Drop the wordmark and the maple leaf and it would be a okay logo. We're part of the CANADIAN Hockey League and your team's called the Royals - I'm guessing your from Canada! There's already too many teams with maple leafs on them. Some originality please! And I'm not a fan of wordmarks on logos but I'm really not a fan of wordmarks that are boring. Like someone else said, if you need a wordmark, at least make it a little more heraldic looking. Simplifying this logo would go a long way but, at the same time, might make it look more like the Royal Bank logo. Again with the unoriginal! I don't think the logo's bad. I agree with most of the people above me that I'd like it better without the wordmark on the front and I would've liked to have seen a unique jersey design, though the white version will have to be unique, will it not? Unless they pick another jersey from a different, non-matching set. The Maple Leaf tattoo on the lion's shoulder would be better if it wasn't on there...or if the MLB Jerseys reflected it (red maple leaf shoulder patch with Kansas City Royals-like "Royals" script across it maybe?). It's not bad at all, but it's not great either. It looks like if they had an extra month it would be great, but I guess deadlines are deadlines.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 01 juillet 2011
Jeudi 30 juin 2011

For the state of hockey in the "Sun Belt"

For this conversation let's consider the Sun Belt teams to be the Southeast Division (minus the Caps), the California teams (minus the Kings) and add Phoenix and Dallas. I certainly don't hope we go back to a "Nothing in the South" NHL Jerseys, but if one or two of those teams* moved I wouldn't be too scared. If a third team moves then I start to worry. Whereas I'm certainly glad the NHL expanded southward, it did come at the expense of northern markets and I reluctantly have come to the idea it probably would be better for a couple of former markets up north to have NBA Jerseys again. I am hopeful a Thrashers move would be represent a small correction and not a mass exodus.certainly would be a more disturbed by a Lightning move, even if they did beat my Caps in the playoffs. To me they've been sort of the model of Sun Belt teams. Also, Chris, I want to expand on a point you made about the Cleveland Browns. The actual thing that happened from the NFL's standpoint is this. The Cleveland Browns suspended operations in 1995, while the Baltimore Ravens commenced play as a quasi-expansion team in the 1996 season. In 1999, when the Brown resumed operations, they were restocked using an expansion draft, but the team kept all records, and previous history associated with the team that had suspended operations. Finally, and I want to expand on this as well. Everyone speaks as though the Coyotes are out of the woods. They may not be. Goldwater is still reviewing as to whether the $25 million ($US) payment is legal under the Arizona Constitution. They may still press this matter into litigation. If it is found to be illegal, this really creates a problem for the NFL Jerseys. Now, for those that might say that as a Canadian I feel entitled, I don't. I just want to see teams play in front of a packed house every night. If fan apathy in Atlanta, Phoenix, or Florida has done this to where the team isn't financially viable, they should uproot, and go elsewhere. I mention Florida as that is easily the best example of franchise mismanagement in the history of the League, as the team began the wrong way, thus creating fan expectation that this will be a contending team every year. Advice to the current owner, treat it like an expansion team, blow it all up, start over, following an established template, like San Jose, or Detroit, or Nashville. The fans may put up with anothef half-decade out of the playoffs, but its worth it to see my team compete for the Stanley Cup for two decades or more. According to alot of my fellow canadians only canadians themselves possess heart and grit and other players are "soft" and inferior which is very laughable. It's so bad that politicians take advantage of it and use Wholesale Jerseys as a way to gain votes, which in my mind is wrong. It agitates me when I hear Canadians say certain cities and fans arent deserving of a hockey team. Okay the team (or sport) may not be popular in that area but who are you to judge and criticize the real hardcore fans of that team? the guys who actually do go out and attend games, buy the jerseys, and voice their opinions of wanting their team to stay in their city, these people are also fans of hockey, the only difference is they are not Canadian. I'm a huge fan of hockey so lets let the sport grow instead of trying to suppress it to one geographical location or just one group of people to sell MLB Jerseys.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011

Atlanta has already lost a team

The one point missed in all of this is that Atlanta has already lost a team, and it was a pretty good team when they did. The Flames were one of the few expansion era teams to have a level of success early. And of course, up here, every pundit and ignorant fan to the game will say that ''if they had no MLB Jerseys then, no wonder it's failed." Problem is, back then there were fans, and several contributing factors out of there control, how very relevant. The lack of a TV deal, the competeing WHA, rising operating costs with stagnant draws at the gate thanks to a state of the art yet undersized arena for hockey. However, the Omni had amazing site lines as well as a fervent hockey fanbase around the team. Hell, the team made the playoffs in 6 of the 8 seasons while there. To think the city could lose a 2nd team, this time thanks to abysmal ownership, not due to lack of NFL Jerseys, is heartbreaking. I honestly don't care how excited those in Winnipeg and elsewhere in Canada feel. You lost the Jets for a reason, lack of proper facilities, lack of corporate interest, puny TV market and little local money. You also had plenty of opportunity to help save the team, but rather than rally early, there was this mindset that "the team won't REALLY be moved." Then at the 11th hour, there was a rally that put little dent into how much money was needed to be raised to keep them. Yet somehow now the circumstances are apparently better? A new arena, that at capacity actually seats less than the old one with no plans to add seats based on this idea that every game will be sold out, so those extra 2-3000 seats wouldn't matter....apparently. According to some 'Peg locals I've spoken to, the city has more money now to support a franchise. Well, news flash....SO DOES EVERYWHERE ELSE!!! It's this fascinating little thing called INFLATION. Back to every seat being sold for every game. Funny thing is, with a capacity at the MTS center of 15,015, and all 41 selling at 100%....had they played there for the 2009-10 season, the team would still come in at a league average of 26th. That's with 41 sellouts, behind such "underserving" cities as Anaheim (25), Raleigh (24), Columbus (23), Tampa (22), Dallas (17), Los Angeles (16) and San Jose (15). The only teams they would have placed above were, Nashville (by about 850 NBA Jerseys), Florida (by about 10 000), Colorado, ATLANTA, Phoenix and the Islanders. Hmmm, 2 of those are actually "hockey markets" by Canadian standards, curious. And Florida's totals did not include the 1 game overseas they were credited for a home game, considering they averaged 15 146 a game that season.....they to would have placed higher than Winnipeg. Just for an existing Canadian comparison, the Oilers who also play in an out-dated arena with a capacity of 16,839, played to 100% in 09-10.....and were 19th in the league. So yeah, there it is sell NFL Jerseys. With the surprising successes of the Coyotes and the better numbers out of Colorado, I highly doubt much would change to these number with Winnipeg in the league. No matter what, they would be looking at around 25th or lower each season. So while the arena may be nice, it's still not appropriate for NHL Jerseys. And if you think the league hasn't looked at this, then you're blind. The arena size will likely be the axiom behind the board of governors nixing the relocation of the Thrashers. With that small an audiance even with 100% capacity, then how much of a draw would the 29 visiting teams really be?Good luck Atlanta, I know it is a longshot, but I'd rather see the Thrashers coming to the Saddledome over the Jets or Moose, or whatever incarnation of Winnipeg team.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011
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