Lundi 04 juillet 2011

The East Coast Hockey League

The Cleveland Indians were a member of the International Hockey League from 1929 until 1936. However, they were known as the Cleveland Falcons for the last two years in the IHL and in their first season as a charter member of the I-AHL. The following season, in 1937, the Cleveland Barons were born. And that's where things get interesting. Everything was fine until 1972 when the WHA and the Cleveland Crusaders came along. This spelled instant death for the minor league franchise, which was forced to relocate midway through the 1972-73 season. Unfortunately, they moved to Jacksonville, Fla. so they only got in one more full season before folding. The bloodline ends there. As a side note, the Cleveland Barons name was revived in 1976 when the NHL's California Golden Seals relocated to Cleveland, forcing the Crusaders to St. Paul, Minn. But the Barons lasted only two seasons in the NHL Jerseys before disappearing again. Ironically, the players from the disbanded team went to the Minnesota North Stars. One more attempt was made to revitalize the Cleveland Barons moniker when the AHL's Kentucky Thoroughblades were bought by the Sharks Team Jerseys in 2001 and relocated. Five years later, the Sharks moved the club to Massachusetts and renamed it after themselves. So technically, the only existing team that came claim the Cleveland Barons name in their heritage is the Worcester Sharks. Yet the Lake Erie Monsters, founded in 1994 as the Denver Grizzlies, donned Barons duds last weekend. The Grizzlies played in Colorado only one season before the Quebec Nordiques announced they were to move there. So the Bruins Team Jerseys went to Salt Lake City, Utah for the next 10 years. The club suspended operations for two years while it looked for a new owner, who would then put the club in the home of the departing Cleveland Barons. By the way, don't confuse these Utah Grizzlies with the ECHL club of the same name. They have a long history of name changes and relocations but actually began life as a charter member of the East Coast Hockey League.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 04 juillet 2011
Dimanche 03 juillet 2011

Like The Ducks 3rd Jersey

I am actually a fan of the "Webbed- D" logo myself since it's pretty clever and I like that it's not a word mark here, so it's got that going for it. I also like the new shoulder patch paying homage to the Mighty Ducks too. The things that are really troubling though are the terrible stripes going along the sides of the NHL Jerseys... Just FAR to busy. I am also not feeling the shoulder lining either since it looks out of place. All in all, they are along the right tracks here, but still pretty far off in my honest opinion. If they lose a LITTLE bit of the orange, get rid of the shoulder lining and fix the horrid stripes up the side of the shirt, then they could have a real winner here. That can't be good for their Reebok account. However, it is good news for us jersey geeks as Icethetics can now provide a visual sample of what you've read about for weeks. By the way, Greg Wyshynski at Puck Daddy was actually first with this story. Check out his take on the new threads. Despite it coming from a third party, this is official Reebok photography (right). We should all be very familiar with it. So at least for me there is no question whether this is the Ducks' actual jersey. It makes sense that Reebok has provided images to retailers ahead of the November launch of the new sweater — though retailers were probably asked to keep it under their hats until then. Oops. But one image wasn't enough. FansEdge kept going. Here's a look at the back of the jersey (left). Since it's not customized, we can't be sure about the number and lettering style. We could assume it will be the same as the home and road sweaters but you never know. According to the Ducks, the MLB Jerseys will make its official on-ice debut on Nov. 26 when they host the Chicago Blackhawks (on Black Friday, of course). As far as the design, I'm not crazy about the striping up and down the sides. Of course these shots don't provide the best view. We'll have to wait to see it in action next month. The upshot is the "D" logo on the chest. Been waiting for that since 2006, when the current home and road sweaters were unveiled. Plus, as you can see on the shoulders, the original Mighty Ducks Team Jerseys logo returns in the new color scheme, as I mentioned previously.

Par nhl-jerseys - 1 commentaire(s)le 03 juillet 2011

Best looking jersey in all the NHL

Ditch the damn piping! Can Reebok stop using templates to come up with an orginial design? The basic design is so over used in this league. I much prefer the what-would-have-been sweaters that the Nashville marketing guru decided wasn't up to snuff. Sure the blue has been redundant recently,and they wanted to go with something outside the box. I can get that, but why not then just swap out the blue & black for yellow & blue? Atleast that sweater design looks more traditional compare to this new design. Look at all the iconic sweaters in the MLB Jerseys, the Bruins, Blackhawks, Redwings, Rangers, Canadiens, Flames, and Flyers all have one thing in common. None of them tell you where they are from. Come on if you need to let people know what city you are from then your logo sucks. Not a huge fan of the yellow, I feel like the Tampa Bay Lightning Team Jerseys would be perfect if the blue and yellow were swapped on the home jerseys. Yellow as a primary color can be really dangerous but that said the Bruins did a great job on their winter classic, and it is nice to see the pallet of the hockey world expand a little bit. For the love of god no more piping!!!!! I dont like the colour scheme but it would be a lot better if they got rid of that awful piping and those St Louis Blues characteristics. meh, I guess it's better than the old Wholesale Jerseys with the silver but they could be so much better. I would take the current third and the "special casino" white jersey over these any day of the week. Just awful. There is a reason no has a yellow jersey let alone abright yellow strip in their logo. If you want a yellow 3rd fine with me. But the black and blues from last yer are amazing. If you want to "stand out" from other teams just win!!!! I have gone to many away games wearing the black and blue and have gotten nothing but complements on them. They were the best looking jersey in all the NHL. Now you give us this "GIMMICKY" Nashville jersey with guitar strings, guitar picks, & piano keys....What a complete joke. And how dare you change the logo. No classy, traditional team changes their logo and if they do it's a small change. I hope and pray no one buys this awful jersey or anything with this awful logo. i want management to see the mistake they made with theNHL Jerseys and snot nosed Gnash logo. EPIC FAIL by the PREDS!!!!

Par nhl-jerseys - 1 commentaire(s)le 03 juillet 2011

The jerseys that were unveiled were fantastic

The NHL needs to abandon the mindset that one team needs to wear white in every game - this is no longer necessary. We're living in an 3D HD world and this rule is living in a world where anyone that has a TV has a black and white one. What is wrong with a Wings/Sharks game where the Sharks are in their black thirds and the Wings in their red NHL Jerseys? The Flyers in their orange jerseys versus the Rangers in their blues? The system seems to work pretty well in soccer. Nominate a home jersey before the season, and all teams traveling to your building simply have to bring a jersey that does not clash with the home side's. What's more, this would help force teams to use 3rd jerseys for what they're actually supposed to be used for - to test new, inventive designs, not for the way they've been used in the last few years, as a way to stick some retro jersey in to appease overly-nostalgic fans. If your team's retro jersey is better than their normal jerseys, then go back to wearing the retro ones, and use the third Wholesale Jerseys for something new. Chris, you do fantastic work covering these things. I am so grateful to have a sweet site like this to check out the awesome jersey news. The Canucks Team Jerseys that were unveiled were fantastic, save for the Kings one. I don't like the black one they have and dislike the white one even more. The Panthers is amazing. What a great colour scheme. I love how it really 'pops'. The Oilers jersey looks great too, glad to see they will get rid of those terrible pajama jerseys they had. I really really like the new Nashville digs. The post with the 'supposed' jerseys got me really interested. I really liked their old ones, but am really loving these new ones. I can't wait to see the newMLB Jerseys. Mark Chipman has said that they are going to have a whole new colour scheme and logo. I have a great feeling about it and that people will be very happy with it, even though it wont be the original. Who knows, maybe what he is saying is a red herring, kind of like what happened with the name. They may fold to the public outcry again. Either way, I expect to be happy with what they come out with!

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 03 juillet 2011
Samedi 02 juillet 2011

Really bizarre new Jerseys

Why is it that original 6 teams' jerseys are allowed to violate all the rules to which newer teams must adhere? The Blackhawks logo is woefully mismatchedby the jersey colours yet people consistently rate it the number one Boston Bruins Team Jerseys in hockey. The same reason every time a modern team has a modern-looking sweater, everyone complains that it looks too modern and dated, but if they use a vintage-style sweater, everyone complains that they can't wear sweaters like that, they haven't been around long enough. I'm really glad to see Nashville give us a color we weren't already seeing. The league needs more of that, not more blue-red-and-white Winnipeg Wholesale Jerseys. Maybe Winnipeg should take over the purple the Kings ditched - is anyone in any North American major league wearing purple-red-and-white these days? The only thing that would have made the Preds' jerseys even better is if the home jersey was blue and the ROAD jersey was yellow. Sometime in the late '90s, the NHL made the decision that yellow would be considered a color, and that has forced every team to have a white road jersey. I think we should go back to how it was in the early '80s when the Canucks had a black jersey and a yellow jersey (that functioned the same as every other team's white jersey). For the last several years, the Oilers and Islanders keep schizophrenically going back and forth between straight-up vintage jerseys (to appease the traditionalists) and really bizarre new MLB Jerseys (to please... well, I'm not really sure). Heck, the Isles have been doing it ever since the Fishsticks jerseys. Both of those teams need to come up with a jersey set that is fresh and different but still pays homage to their past and doesn't look completely ridiculous - something like what the Sabres have done. The Oilers could even have an orange third NHL Jerseysto commemorate their original WHA uniforms. Interesting that both of those teams are blue and orange, but whatever.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 02 juillet 2011

Maroon and Blue scheme

Those Panthers jerseys look pretty awful. There really was nothing wrong with the piping on the other ones, the new design really wouldn't have hurt if it was the same template with the main colour red. I'm disappointed to see the shoulder piping go all the way down, unlike the original red Wholesale Jerseys. Very disappointed but it's true that it's not the end of the world. They should have kept it simpler. I also dislike the shade of red they chose. It's too bright, it seems. Those Kings Team Jerseys look sharp though. A nice reversal of colours is all you need, no need to reinvent the wheel. I am a Thrashers Fan c. 1999-2011 (they introduced me to hockey at the age of 11). Yes it sucks the team left because I won't be able to see NHL Jerseys as easily as I used to, but I am excited that the team left and will be in an atmosphere that comprises of a full arena each night and a city that, "erupted into games of street hockey" when it was announced a NHL team would be coming back to the city. Besides, the way I see it, they're still my guys on the ice, just in a different location, with a new name, and different sweaters. Speaking of sweaters, i was hoping for possibly a play on the old Thrashers Maroons and Blues (the ones with the T-bird logo). Use that color scheme, I mean it DOES belong to that franchise now (all the former Thrasher colors/logos/etc). If they swap up the colors, they could use two-three of the Thrashers... Let's be honest, Atlanta had some unique sweaters, which was both good/bad... mostly bad. But they did have a great color scheme that just couldn't be locked down to something simplified. I'm expecting something familiar in terms of a logo (I think they might be removing something from the old logo to bring it up to the times, or just retweak it to give it a new, but familiar look). As for the colors, well you said it, but I'm hoping for a Maroon and Blue scheme, with the Maroon being the primary. As for stripes/etc, I'm hoping for dual/tri color sleeves and the same pattern on the waist (think like the MLB Jerseys). Regardless, I'm pumped for my new team (yes, since mine doesn't exist anymore I just stuck with my players), so now I'm a Winnipeg Jets fan c. 2011.

Par nhl-jerseys - 0 commentaire(s)le 02 juillet 2011
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